it's my birthday!!!! i'll probably take a lot of pictures tonight so there should be a good post coming up soon! i'll leave you with this terrific picture of my birthday tiara. haha.
To accept- post it on your blog with a link to the person who gave it to you, pass the award on to around 15 blogs that you think are great, contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for the award.
quick view of yesterday's outfit. new hat from forever 21!
Monday, January 18, 2010
hey, check out this blog for a great contest to win a gorgeous purple necklace! and make sure to check out the rest of tati's blog while you're there ;]
i forgot to show the new necklace i got! it was about $3 at forever 21. i took my third trip today to find a dress for my winter carnival. i found one i liked but it was $70 so i definitely didn't get it.
currently wearing: a tissue up my nose. im sick once again. ughhhh why is my immune system sucking lately?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
i went to zara for the first time yesterday! it was absolutely beautiful. but i didnt get anything. still searching for a perfect winter carnival dress=[
decided to recycle some old photos. finals are coming, so i'm super busy. but i finally finished all of my college apps today, what a relief.
the only thing i have to say about these photos is i miss long hair! please grow faster! although I am seeing progress... i wore it to school in a baby pony tail friday!
random photos i took while bored today. i think this is day 4 of wearing that shirt. it's my boyfriend's, which i stole. scarf was a gift, which i haven't taken off since i got it!